CaseBase Journal Articles on Lexis+ Australia indexes full text articles for journals published by Lexis Nexis. It also provides abstracts to journal articles by other legal publishers.
CaseBase Journal Articles should always be consulted when you are undertaking legal research for Australian law journal articles.
Here is an example of how you can search in CaseBase Journal Articles. This example of the search terms contract! w/p offer! is looking for where the term offer appears within the same paragraph as contract.
This example uses the truncation symbol ! to find words with a variety of endings e.g. contract, contracts, contractual etc.
Instead of using the connector AND between the terms, we have used w/p. On the Lexis+ Australia database this ensures the terms are within the same paragraph.
Take note of the Use Connectors and add your search terms in the search boxes and then click on Search.
There are different actions you can take to refine or modify your CaseBase Journal Articles search results.
After you have finalised your search results, the journal article records will all be listed in the centre of the screen. You can save your results list in a folder to access them at a later stage. To do this, select the folder icon above the first result.
In your search results list, click on the title of the article to link through to the full record.
The CaseBase Journal Article record provides you with the citation of the article, the authors, catchwords (like subject headings) and a digest (similar to an abstract). It may also provide information about cases or legislation discussed in the article.
If the journal is published by Lexis Nexis, the full text of the article may be linked by the citation in the CaseBase record. If not, note down the title of the journal and you can search for it in the Library's A-Z Journals and Newspapers Index.
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