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Researching Secondary Law Resources

AGIS Plus Text

AGIS Plus Text developed in partnership with the Attorney-General's Information Service Australia, is a database of authoritative collection of legal resources. AGIS Plus Text includes over 40 years of peer reviewed legal research from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. AGIS Plus Text database is part of the Informit collection of databases.

The below instructions are for just searching within the AGIS Plus Text database of the Informit collection of databases. There is also a historical indexed (not-full text) database on Informit called AGIS Index.  To search both AGIS Plus Text and AGIS lndex, use this combined database link.

Searching AGIS Plus Text database

  1. Go to the AGIS Plus Text database homepage via the Library A-Z databases.  
  2. Check above the homepage search bar that the AGIS Plus Text is the selected database.

  3. Type your key words into the search bar.

This will just search for results in the AGIS Plus Text database. This retrieves relevant legal resources rather than content from other disciplines.


  1. Go to the AGIS Plus Text database homepage via the Library A-Z databases.
  2. Check above the homepage search bar that the AGIS Plus Text is the selected database.  
  3. Select ADVANCED SEARCH to open up the Advanced Search form.  
  4. Type your key words into separate fields  

Advanced Search enables searching across the database for specific fields such as title, author, legislation, cases, treaties, and other resources. AGIS Plus Text has well indexed and accurate resource records which provide hypertext links to related articles.

Remember, to specify where in the search results you want the keywords to be located (eg. in the article title, case name or legislation) select the relevant field in the drop-down box.     




AGIS Plus Text searching uses wildcard * at the end of each term, for words with additional suffixes. For example contract* will also pick up contracts, contracted or contracting.  Accept* will also pick up accepts, accepted or accepting. Offer* will also pick up offers, offered, or offering.  

For more help with searching AGIS Plus Text there are Search Tips at the end of the Advanced Search form. You can also download the Advanced Search Guide specific to using this database.

AGIS Plus Text search results


Under each record in your results you will see a link to the ABSTRACT. This gives you additional information relating to the article. Reading the abstract can help you to decide whether you want to read the article or not.

Here is an example of a result from the search contract* AND accept* AND offer*.




Click on ABSTRACT to view the full record. The full record provides citation details. In the DETAILS field you will find information such as:


  • References to cases
  • References to legislation
  • Subject Headings - what the article is about.




Full Text and PDF/EPUB

AGIS Plus Text does not contain every article as full text. Full text articles have a FULL TEXT or PDF/EPUB link at the top or bottom of the record.





If there is no PDF/EPUB link in the AGIS Plus Text record, note down the title of the journal and you can search for it in the Library's A-Z Journals and Newspapers Index.

Browsing AGIS Plus Text by Journal Title

To browse individual titles go to the AGIS Plus Text filtered titles.