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Discipline specific OER for academics


This page is designed to support academics with teaching by providing a wealth of OER specifically for Planning.

Explore our curated collection of OER that highlights Australian OER, and resources on the following topics:

  • Governance
  • Strategic Thinking

Australian OER

  • Building Cost Planning: Best Practices and Insights by Thilini anaJayawickrama, et al. (2023) is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
    This book focuses on the cost planning of building construction projects with special reference to the Australian and New Zealand context. Design development and cost planning with elemental analysis are emphasised in the pre-construction cost management process in the region.
  • All Culture is Local: Good Practice in Regional Cultural Mapping and Planning from Local Government by Lisa Andersen and Margaret Malone (Eds.) (2013) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Four universities, four local governments, and peak regional, state and federal agencies sought to develop knowledge that would enable better informed planning for arts and cultural development in rural and regional communities.


Strategic Thinking

Where to find more OER?

There are many platforms available that contain OER, the platforms listed below are a good starting place to find openly available planning resources.

  • OER Commons (Architecture and Design)
    Open access courseware available for Architecture and Design subject areas.
  • Wisc-Online
    Contains a variety of Architecture & Construction OER.
  • Haithi Trust Digital Library
    Contains over 170,000 books under the search term "Urban Planning" available for free online. Type in Urban Planning and select Books from the left menu (very USA based).