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Discipline specific OER for academics

Commerce, Property and Business Analytics

This page is designed to support academics with teaching by providing a wealth of OER specifically for Commerce, Property and Business Analytics.

Explore our curated collection of OER that highlights Deakin and Australian OER, and resources on the following topics:

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Property and Real Estate
  • Business Analytics

Deakin OER

Business Finance by Sagarika Mishra (2023) is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
Developed for an international cohort, this text is designed to explain business finance concepts in an easily understood manner without overwhelming students with too much content.

Fundamentals of Finance by Annette Nguyen is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
This textbook is designed to serve as an additional resource for the course "Fundamentals of Finance." It provides an introduction to the field of finance, encompassing a broad range of key topics. These include the time value of money, bond and equity valuations, risk and returns, and various sources of capital. This book aims to enhance the learning experience by offering a thorough understanding of these fundamental financial principles.


Australian OER




Property and Real Estate

Business Analytics

Where to find more OER?

There are many platforms available that contain OER, the platforms listed below are a good starting place to find openly available commerce, property and business analytics resources.

  • WikiBooks - Finance - Wikibooks provides open-content textbooks that anyone can edit, including textbooks, annotated texts, instructional guides, and manuals. Books in this subject area cover the science of funds management.
  • MIT Courseware- Finance - Use the limiters to select the types of OER you would like to use including: lecture notes, interactive simulations, online textbooks, and assessments.
  • OER Commons- Finance - is a single search source that pulls materials from multiple OER collections. Use the left-side menu to refine your finance resources search by education level, material type, media format, and conditions of use.