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Discipline specific OER for academics

Environmental Management and Sustainability

This page is designed to support academics with teaching by providing a wealth of OER specifically for Environmental Management and Sustainability.

Explore our curated collection that highlights Australian OER, and resource on the following topics:

  • Biological Invasions and Biodiversity
  • Environmental Communication and Activism
  • Environmental Science and Ecology
  • Sustainability and Resource Management

NOTE: While there is currently limited Australian-specific OER on these subjects, we encourage you to explore international OER and consider adapting these materials to better suit local contexts and curriculum needs.

Australian OER

Biological Invasions and Biodiversity 

Environmental Communication and Activism

Environmental Science and Ecology 

  • Environment Biology by Alexandra Geddes, Jonathan Tomkin, Kamala Doršner, Matthew R. Fisher and Tom Theis (2017), Open Oregon Educational Resources, is licensed under CC BY 4.0​
  • Introduction to Environmental Science: 2nd Edition by Caralyn Zehnder, Kalina Manoylov, Samuel Mutiti, Christine Mutiti, Allison VandeVoort and Donna Bennett 2018, Georgia College and State University, is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  • Environmental ScienceBites by Kylienne A. Clark, Travis R. Shaul, and Brian H. Lower (2015), The Ohio State University, is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 
  • Environmental ScienceBites Volume 2 by Brian H. Lower, Travis R. Shaul, Kylienne A. Shaul, and Ella M. Weaver (n.d.), The Ohio State University, is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Sustainability and Resource Management 

Where to find more OER?

There are many platforms available that contain OER, the platforms listed below are a good starting place to find on environmental management and sustainability.

    Platform hosts hundreds of teaching materials, reference materials, and cloud-based software free to use and adapt using open Creative Commons licenses.
  • Environmental Science (Bookboon)
    Contains free eBooks and textbooks that can be downloaded as a pdf, no registration needed. These books cannot be altered, but can be freely printed, shared, or embedded in non-commercial ways. They are intended only for individuals, colleges, and schools.
  • Environmental Sciences (InTech)
    Publishes more than 2,300 open textbooks and 6 journals in a variety of subjects that fall under the heading of science, technology, and medicine.
  • NSDL: National Science Digital Library
    Repository gathers all possible online open resources from various providers in all STEM disciplines. Resources are browsable by education level, resource type, and subject. Even though most resources are free on this site, there are also some that have some cost associated with them.
  • IntechOpen - Open Access Book
    World’s largest Science, Technology & Medicine Open Access book publisher. The website contains more than 3,000 open access books distributed under CC BY 3.0 license in various subjects.