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Discipline specific OER for academics

Humanities and Social Sciences


This page is designed to support academics with teaching by providing a wealth of OER specifically for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Explore our curated collection that highlights Deakin and Australian OER, and the following topics: anthropology, criminology, cultural heritage and museum studies, history, languages, philosophy, politics and international studies, and religion.


Deakin OER

Español down under: Spanish for Australia and New Zealand by Ramon Lopez Castellano, Israel Holas and Fanny Rios Rodriguez is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
This book focuses on a hands-on, student-centric approach to learning Spanish. Designed for the Australian and New Zealand environment for use at Deakin University, currently available is foundation level content, suitable for a first introduction to Spanish speaking. The resource is still in development with additional content progressing to more advanced skill levels.



Australian OER



Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies




Politics and International Studies


Where to find more OER?

There are many platforms available that contain OER, the platforms listed below are a good starting place to find openly available humanities and social sciences resources.

  • Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
    Includes reports, journal articles and a range of sources.
  • Edsitement!
    Offers a wide range of humanities subjects, from American history to literature, world history and culture, language, art, and archaeology, and have been judged by humanities specialists to be of high intellectual quality.
  • Lowitja Institute LitSearch
    This search tool provides access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health literature in PubMed. Refine your search to “Open Access” or select "Free Access" and check the license of individual article before reusing the content.