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Reading Lists

Reading list instructions for academics

5. Publishing a list

These instructions explain how to publish a reading list and then share all or part of it.

This includes how to:

  • Publish a new or existing reading list
  • Why you should consider sending your reading list for review

Publishing new or existing reading list

Once you create or make changes to a reading list a yellow banner will appear at the top of the list content giving you two options:

  1. Review & Publish: This will publish any unpublished changes to your Reading List and also send your reading list to the Library for review. Once the review is complete, the Library will inform you of any changes made to the list.
  2. Publish: This will publish any unpublished changes on the Reading List.


Why should I send my Reading List for review?

When you send your reading list for review the Library does the following checks:

  • That the reference for the work is as complete as possible.
  • That links are working/taking students to resources that they can access
    • If they are broken links, the Library will search for an alternative link and update appropriately.
    • If the resource is not available from the Library the team will investigate purchase options, or create a Copyright compliant S113P copy of the article/chapter and make it available for your students.
  • That students can access all formats of the resource available from the Library (eg. the reading list item will display a link to electronic versions and the print availability where both versions are held).