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Reading Lists

Reading list instructions for academics

3. Creating a list

The page provides steps to:

  • Creating a new reading list 
  • Top tips for reading lists
  • Instructional video on Creating a new reading list, as well as adding resources, paragraphs and sections, to a reading list.



Before creating a new reading list, please search for your unit code to check that a reading list doesn't already exist for your unit and teaching period.  If a list does exist, please edit the existing reading list or contact the Course Resources and Access team requesting to hide the version you're wanting to replace.

Creating a new list

  1. Go to the Reading List portal, and click on My Lists.
  2. Then click on Create new list.
  3. Add the Unit code and Name of Unit into the List name. The format should be Unit code (each letter capitalised) – Title of unit (capitalise the start of each word), here is an example: HNN732 –  Advanced Clinical Decision Making.
  4. Add information to the Description field if you wish (not mandatory).
  5. Click Select Hierarchy and search for the correct unit code. PLEASE NOTE: If the correct unit code doesn't appear please contact the Course Resources and Access team and they will add the list to the hierarchy.
  6. Select an appropriate Time Period. PLEASE NOTE: Unit sites will automatically link to the reading list that corresponds to their matching time period.
  7. Then click Create list.



If you don’t know the name of the unit, you can find out by exploring the Unit Search box within Current Student. Alternatively, you can contact Course Resources and Access team and they can provide assistance.

For SEBE academics: Reading list modules are included in SEBE unit sites by default. Just ensure you connect to the unit list.​

Top 3 tips for Reading Lists

There are a lot of ways to add value and engage students with your Reading List. Here are our top 3 tips:

1. Make it concise

Reading lists shouldn't be a comprehensive list of everything published in a certain field. Lists containing 100+ resources can be intimidating for students, and feel unwieldy.  Instead, focus on the main resources for each topic/week then prioritise them using the reading list importances (Prescribed, Recommended, and Further). NOTE: Not every importance needs to be used in each section.

2. Organise your resources

Aim for a consistent feel between your unit site and your reading list. Use sections on your reading list to help students connect the readings with the weekly content/topics.



You can also add sections within sections to group together similar resources or concepts, or relate readings to a specific task (eg. compare the theories in these articles, and discuss ...etc. )

3. Add annotations and context

Use Paragraphs or Student notes on individual items to annotate your reading list, highlighting such things as:

  • expectations (e.g. to be completed before attending the seminar)
  • what students will get from the resource(s) (e.g. This article nicely summarises concept X...).
  • key ideas, structure of writing, or points for discussion related to the resource.

Start a new reading list and add resources, paragraphs and sections (2:01 min)

This video includes instructions about:

  • creating a new list (0:00)
  • adding list details (0:11)
  • adding sections (0:43)
  • adding a resource from your bookmarks (1:10)


Further instructions are available on Talis's support site. Please contact the Course Resources and Access Team for assistance with creating a new Reading list.