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Reading Lists

Reading list instructions for academics

About Reading Lists

Most units at Deakin will contain prescribed or recommended resources for students. These can include books (full books / chapters / portions), journal articles, streaming videos, podcasts, websites, and other links. To ensure a consistent experience across Deakin units, these resources should be added to a Reading List.

What can you do with your Reading Lists:

  • Add resources: Share the relevant resources for your unit. Reading Lists should be concise and not be an exhaustive list of everything related to a particular topic area.
  • Add structure: Group resources into weeks, concepts, or topics, depending on the structure of your unit.
  • Add importances: Give an importance to each resource on your list so that students can prioritise their study.
  • Add guidance notes: Give students guidance using paragraphs or student notes on items. For example, briefly described what students should pay attention to, or what the students will get from the resource.

This guide provides instructions for academics on how to create and edit Reading Lists.

About this Guide

This guide will take you through the process for using the Reading List platform:



Watch the following video (1:05) for a short overview of what can be achieved with the Reading List platform.

Benefits of using a reading list

For students

  • Easy access to quality readings, videos, websites, and more
  • Reading Lists are mobile friendly and fully accessible
  • Lists can be accessed anywhere, any time, on any device
  • Students can personalise their lists by adding notes and reading intentions

For academics

  • Combine articles, chapters, books, videos, podcasts and websites in one convenient place
  • Organise your lists to suit your unit structure and personalise them with notes and comments
  • Adhere to copyright by linking to copyright compliant readings
  • Track which resources your students access