EndNote is a sophisticated bibliographic management software tool for researchers creating an extensive library of sources and citing the sources in publications and theses. If you are needing to cite a handful (e.g. less than 20) of different sources you might want to consider something like Microsoft Word’s in-built referencing tool. Whether you select EndNote or another referencing tool understanding the principles of referencing is essential for making the most of such tools. We recommend the Deakin Guide to Referencing as the first port of call.
You can download or install the latest version of EndNote on:
Please make sure to back up your EndNote library by saving a compressed copy before upgrading to EndNote 21.
If you are using a Deakin-managed PC, it is recommended that you DO NOT save your EndNote library on the H:Drive (Desktop or Documents folder). The H:Drive is a network drive which will affect the conversion of an EndNote library to the new EN21 format.
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