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Managing the referencing style and bibliography in EndNote program

What are referencing styles?

Citations in your document will appear in two parts: in-text citation in the body of the document and the reference list located at the end of the document, which gives full bibliographic details for the in-text citation. The way these two parts appear in the document is defined as a referencing output style.

Each faculty, journal, lecturer, book publisher etc. may require material to be presented using their preferred style. EndNote makes it very easy to do this - either at the time of writing or at any stage of your draft.

Change bibliographic output style

As you add references to your library, you are able to view, preview and change your styles to accord to referencing conventions.

There are two ways to change the referencing style in EndNote: by using the drop down menu in the Preview Panel, or by using the Tools menu.

Option 1: Using the drop-down menu in the Preview Panel

  1. Double click on a reference entry to open up the Summary Panel
  2. Click the small arrow in the bottom right hand corner, or drag the panel dividing line upwards to reveal the Preview Panel
  3. Change your referencing style using the drop down menu in the Preview Panel


Option 2: Using the Tools menu

  1. From the menu bar select Tools > Output Styles > Open Style Manager
    This will open the comprehensive list of output styles
  2. Choose the output style(s) and close the window
    It now appears in the drop-down menu in Tools


  • For information about changing the referencing style in MS Word please see Choose referencing style section in the EndNote & Microsoft Word page.
  • If your style is not listed here you will need to click Get More on the Web… where there is a selection of more than 5000 styles
  • To download Deakin styles, please see the box below
  • Vancouver style users need to add the Medical journal term list to the library for journal abbreviations. Please refer to the Journal Abbreviations page.
  • If an EndNote style is not correctly configured to meet your publishing requirements you can edit that style (scroll down this page for instructions).

Create a bibliography without using Cite While You Write (CWYW) in Word

There are two ways to create a bibliography of your selected references as a text file:

Method 1- Export as a .rtf file

  1. Highlight the references in your library
  2. Select File from the top menu and then Export
  3. Name your file and choose a location to save it
  4. Select file type .rtf (Rich Text Format)
  5. Select your preferred bibliographic Output style then click Save
  6. The file opens as an .rtf in Word and can be edited and saved as a Word document

Method 2- Copy to MS Word

  1. Highlight the references in your library
  2. From the References menu click on Copy formatted reference (or Ctrl + K on PC, Command + K on Mac)
  3. Paste in Word

Note: an example for creating a bibliography of references from EndNote library for LaTeX has been provided in the box Create a .bib file.

Add a new referencing style

Thousands of referencing styles (output styles) are available in EndNote. You can add more referencing styles in addition to the popular styles that are included by default in EndNote. Referencing styles can be downloaded from the EndNote - Output Styles page. Any referencing styles downloaded from this page must be saved into your EndNote Styles folder on your computer:

  1. Download the output style file from EndNote - Output Styles page or your chosen journal's website
  2. Open the downloaded file with EndNote program
  3. From File menu select Save as then click Save (NB: the default style name will have Copy added to the end of the name, i.e. deakinu-harvard-2013-Copy. You can change the name of the style when saving it to anything you want, for example, removing Copy from the name [as shown below] or naming the style something that makes sense to you)

Examples of Deakin styles

Deakin modified styles are customised styles for Deakin students and staff outlined in Deakin guide to referencing, produced by Student Services Language and Learning Advisers and Scholarly Services Librarians.

The Australian_Harvard_2021 style is included in the EndNote20 installation package available from ITS Software Library and is available in all ITS computer labs. Some other styles do not come as part of the installation for the EndNote20 program.

If the style you want is not included as part of the installation, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the output style file from the table below
  2. Open the file with EndNote program
  3. From File menu select Save as then click Save (NB: the default style name will have Copy added to the end of the name, i.e. deakinu-harvard-2013-Copy. You can change the name of the style when saving it to anything you want, by for example, removing Copy from the name [as shown below] or naming the style something that makes sense to you)


Deakin output style Adapted from
Australian Harvard 2021 Harvard author-date style
deakinu-vancouver-2013 Vancouver numbered style
deakin-clin-exp-optometry The journal Clinical and Experimental Optometry referencing style
deakinu-Numbered-2014 Royal Society of Chemistry referencing style

Edit or modify a style

If an EndNote style is not correctly configured to meet your publishing requirements you can edit that style:

From the Tools menu select Output Styles then select Open Style Manager

  1. In the EndNote Styles window, highlight the style you want to edit
  2. Click Edit and the output style will open in a new window where you can edit that style using the menu options in the toolbar on the left

To change the appearance of in-text citations:

In the left toolbar under Citations select the aspect you want to change and make desired modifications

To change the appearance of the bibliography:

In the left toolbar under Bibliography select the aspect you want to change and make desired modifications

e.g. you can change the bibliography template for any reference type in EndNote. Select Template under Bibliography, highlight the reference type you wish to modify:

  • to add new fields or special characters click on Insert Field
  • to alter punctuation type or delete them as required
  • to change the formatting use Edit menu options or keyboard shortcuts


Note: don't forget to save your changes as a copy to leave the original referencing style unchanged. Click on modifying an output style for more details and examples.

Video: Editing an output style