Adding references to Endnote
There are several ways to add references into your EndNote library:
1. Export references from databases
An efficient way of adding references to your EndNote library is to export them directly from online research databases. The procedure for exporting references from research databases can vary slightly across different databases.
Here are some general steps:
- Once you have your search results - look for a way to mark the references you want to export to Endnote
- This might be to tick a box next to each reference
- You might have the option to allocate references to a saved list or folder
- Next, look for a way to export the references to Endnote
- You might have an option called Export, Send to, Reference Manager, Cite, or Download
- Finally, ensure you choose the right file type for the exported references
- You might be able to choose which reference software you are exporting to - choose Endnote
- You might only have a file type to choose from - in this case, the most common file type for Endnote is .RIS - but there are other file types that will work - you might have to just give it a try.
- In some browsers, when your file downloads it will open automatically in Endnote and your references will appear in your library
- If this doesn't happen, locate the file in your Downloads folder and open it with Endnote.
Clarivate provides instructions for a range of databases and platforms.
2. Exporting large results sets
- Some databases allow for export of a large set of results.
- Some allow you to select a particular set of results (there may be a maximum number of results that can be exported at one time). Some databases, such as Scopus, simply allow you to use the Export function to select 'all' or a subset of the results then choose the EndNote or RIS file type to export selected results into EndNote.
- For databases on the Ebscohost platform, full sets of up to 25000 can be exported. For results sets larger than this, export the remaining results in additional batches.
- Choose 'Share' > Export results as an email link (up to 25000 records).
![Ebscohost results sharing options showing the export to email function](
- Use the export manager to enter your email address. Select the RIS format.
![Ebscohost export manager showing options to fill out recipient email and RIS format when exporting a large set of resultts](
- When the email arrives, download the results file from the link provided (this will be a zip file).
- Open the zip file, then open the RIS file. The results will transfer into your EndNote library.
![Downloaded results in RIS file format](
3. Import references from PDFs
To import PDF journal articles into your EndNote library:
- Select File> Import
- Click on Choose to select the PDF saved on your computer
- Select PDF from the drop-down menu in the Import Options menu
- Click Import. A new reference will be created in your library with the PDF file attached to the reference
*In some cases a blank reference will be created in your library with the PDF attached. This happens when there is no DOI associated with the article. In these situations, you will need to manually add the reference details into the record. Alternatively, you may prefer to search for the reference in a database and export the article into EndNote.
![EndNote Import File box](
Note: More information about importing PDFs into EndNote can be found in Working with PDFs page of this libguide.
4. Manually add a reference
You can manually add references into your EndNote library if the reference is not available online to import. To create a new reference:
- Click on the add references icon in the top toolbar OR go to References and select New Reference (or Ctrl+N)
- Select the Reference Type from the drop-down menu (e.g., Journal Article, Book, Conference Paper, Webpage)
- Enter reference details in the relevant fields (e.g., Author, Title, Year, Volume, Issue etc.) *For more information about manually entering a reference, scroll down to the box below 'Tips and rules for manually entering reference details'
- When done, click on Save to save your reference
5. Endnote Click browser plug-in