Some disciplines require researchers to use abbreviated forms of journal titles in their publications. EndNote handles this problem by allowing you to import term lists that store both the full titles of journals and the corresponding abbreviations. Journal term lists provide the full title of a journal and up to 3 different abbreviations.
e.g. American Journal of Law and Medicine has the abbreviations Am. J. Law Med or Am J Law Med or American Journal of Law & Medicine.
EndNote provides lists for several disciplines including Bioscience, Economics, Humanities, Law, Medicine, and Philosophy.
To Import a term list into EndNote:
The terms will be automatically added to your EndNote library.
Note: If a journal is not listed in the term list you should add it manually.
If a journal is not listed in the term list you should add it manually. If you are not sure of the appropriate journal abbreviation, use the following tools to find out the correct abbreviation:
To manually add a term to the list:
Steps to modify the output Style so the abbreviated journal name is used:
You may need to close EndNote and reopen your Library to activate the term lists.
What if it doesn't work?
It may be because you now have 2 entries for a journal title.
If the journal title appears twice delete the entry that has no abbreviations. If there is only one journal entry without any abbreviations you can add them manually
For medicine-related journal abbreviations go to Index Medicus - abbreviations of journals or for other subject areas you can try the Web of Science Journal Title Abbreviations