You can edit a reference from the Summary > Edit pane (shown to the right of the central list of references when you double click on a reference).
- Double click the reference that you wish to edit in the central window
- Change to the Summary > Edit pane
- Make your changes in the reference's fields. Then click Save
- Drag the Preview pane up from the bottom right hand corner of the screen
- You can preview how the reference will be formatted in a reference list given the referencing style currently selected in your library
- You can change the citation style in your library from the drop-down menu
- In the Summary > PDF pane
- You can view PDF attachments
- You can preview, email and annotate the attached PDF
You can organise references in your EndNote library by creating groups. You can create three different types of groups:
Custom Groups
A custom group is a group that you can manually add references into. You can use custom groups to organise your references by key topics, methods, thesis chapters etc.
- Right click over the heading Groups and select Create Group
- Name the new group
- Simply drag and drop references into the group from the central window/list

Smart Groups
A smart group is a group that is populated with references automatically based on a search you specify when you create the smart group. You cannot manually add or remove references from a smart group, so you need to ensure your search terms are comprehensive but also specific
- Right click over the heading Groups and select Create Smart Group
- Enter keywords/search terms using the available fields
- Click Create
*references in your library which match your search criteria will automatically be added into your new smart group

Group Sets
A group set allows you to organise your groups by creating sub-groups
- Right click over the heading Groups and select Create Group Set
- Name the new group set
- You can now add new custom groups or smart groups under this group set heading

You can attach files (e.g. PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, images etc.) to references in your EndNote library. You can attach more than one file to each individual reference.
To attach a file:
- Download the PDF file and save it on your computer
- In EndNote double click the reference in the central window/list to open the Summary panel
- Click on the PDF section
- Click on Attach PDF and select the PDF file you want to attach from your computer
- Click Open

It is recommended that you regularly search for and delete duplicate references in your library. To search for duplicate references:
- Click Library in the top menu and then Find Duplicates
- The find duplicates dialog box will open. This will show you two duplicate references side by side
- If you want to check each duplicate before deleting, scroll through to compare the two references for completeness of information. Click Keep this Record to choose the reference with the most complete details (Note: you can edit the references here to add information).
- If you want to delete your duplicates in bulk, click Cancel to be presented with a screen listing all duplicate references in your library, with all but one copy of each reference selected. This allows you to press delete on the keyboard to delete all duplicate copies of your references in one go. However, this may not work on some computers, in which case you will need to select each duplicate using keep this record (see instructions above)
*deleted duplicate references will be moved into the trash folder

You can search your library for references in much the same way as you search for literature in the databases. You can perform either a Simple Search or Advanced Search.
Simple Search
- Simply type your search terms into the Simple Search box to perform a basic search of your references
- You can use wildcards in the quick search, such as asterisk (*) to search for variants of a word
e.g. publi* to retrieve publication, publish, publishing, published
Advanced Search
- Switch to Advanced Search by clicking the button on the right of the Simple Search box
- You can search multiple keywords and specify the field to search for each keyword (i.e. search the author or title field)
- You can combine your keywords using boolean operators (and, or, not)
You can choose which fields of information display in the central window;
- To change the display of the fields, select Edit > Preferences > Display fields (or Endnote20 > Preferences > Display fields on Mac)

- An easy way of customising the fields to be displayed is to go back to your Endnote library and
- Right click on one of the displayed field column headings (eg. Author, Year, or Title)
- Select what you want to show and what you want to hide
- You can move columns around by dragging and dropping them into new positions
- Sort your references by clicking on any column heading to sort by that field
An up or down arrow will appear within the column heading denoting the order that the field has been sorted in
The default font size in EndNote is quite small. You can increase/decrease the font size at any time:
- Go to Edit > Preferences (or Endnote20 > Preferences > Display fields on Mac)
- Click Display Fonts
- Choose your font size
- Click Save to save the changes
EndNote automatically assigns a record number sequentially to each reference as it is added to a library.
To find out the record number for each reference you can:
- either view the record number for each reference individually by double clicking on a particular reference. This will bring up the reference window, where you will see the record number indicated by # at the window title.
- Or, view the record numbers in the displayed fields in the central window by right clicking on the field column headings bar and selecting Record Number field.
Note: Record numbers are never reused or reassigned within a library. If you delete a reference, that number is never used again in that library.