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Research Metrics Toolkit

NTROs impact overview

Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs) can showcase both the academic and societal impact of research. Researchers from across a range of disciplines can use NTROs, such as infographics, podcasts, or articles, to maximise their work's reach and impact and engage with a diverse range of audiences. Demonstrating the broader impact of research is crucial for securing funding and promotion. This section helps researchers present their NTROs effectively, highlighting the value of their research beyond traditional academic metrics.

What do we mean by NTROs?

Non-Traditional Research Outputs (NTROs) refer to research outputs that are not typically published in conventional academic formats (books, journal articles, or conference papers). In other words, NTROs are products that result from scholarly research and contribute to the advancement of a field or discipline but are presented in non-traditional formats. According to the Australian Research Council, NTROs include but are not limited to:

  • Original creative works
  • Live performances of creative works
  • Recorded/rendered creative works
  • Curated or produced substantial public exhibitions and events
  • Research reports for an external body (government or private organisations)
  • Portfolios
  • Research datasets
  • Software code or 3D images

Demonstrating your NTRO impact

Demonstrating the impact of NTROs requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond conventional citation metrics. Given the unique nature of these outputs, we recommend an approach that includes both quantitative and qualitative measures.

There are five groups of metrics that can be used to demonstrate the real-world impact of your NTROs:


The extent to how closely an NTRO aligns with real-world needs, current educational practices, or ongoing policy development.


The degree of originality and creativity in the NTRO, highlighting new developments and practical applications.


The level of interaction of the NTRO with the intended audience or community.


The measurable effect of the NTRO on the field, community, or society.


The potential for the NTRO to have a lasting impact.


Click on each group to view suggested measures, descriptions, and sources for demonstrating the impact of your NTROs.

Tips for collecting measures for NTROs

Collecting impact measures for NTROs can be challenging due to their diverse nature which unlike traditional academic outputs do not have systematic infrastructure built for this purpose.

To help gather comprehensive and meaningful measures, researchers may:

  • Combine tools: Use multiple tools to gather a comprehensive set of metrics and measures, as NTROs may not be fully covered by any single tool. NTROs usually don’t easily fit into citation databases, so consider creating custom metrics (e.g., number of views, downloads, mentions).
  • Provide a qualitative analysis: Supplement citation metrics with qualitative feedback, reviews, or measures that highlight the NTRO’s impact.
  • Write a narrative: By combining metrics with a thoughtful narrative, you present a clearer, more comprehensive picture of your NTRO's. A compelling narrative contextualises the numbers by telling the story behind your NTRO’s influence, highlighting its relevance, innovation, and broader societal or academic contribution.
  • Document Sources and Dates: Always include the source of your data and the date it was generated, to maintain transparency and relevance.

Explore the Case studies page to see examples of narratives that showcase the impact of NTROs, using various measures and tips outlined in this guide. You can use the provided template to systematically collect and document the impact of your NTROs.