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Open Access: Publishing Agreements

Read & Publish Agreement FAQs

My article was published with closed access last year, but now we have an agreement with the publisher. Can my article be made open access for free?


The agreements are not retroactive, and apply for articles with an acceptance date within the term of the agreement.

Are all the costs of open access publishing covered by the agreements?


No - some publishers will still charge page charges or colour charges. Check with the individual journal to find out if these will apply.

Can I suggest a journal be added to an agreement?


It is not possible to suggest a journal be added to an existing Read & Publish Agreement, these are determined by the publisher. Sometimes the publisher does not have the rights, for example, some Association or Society journals. The title lists will indicate whether a journal is included or not.

Are colour image charges covered as part of the Agreement?


Colour charges, as with any other charges, are not part of the Agreements and any costs will need to be met by the authors. Check the individual journal page for further information.

Are other publishers being considered under a Read & Publish Agreement?


CAUL will continue to negotiate deals with other publishers. Some publishers may negotiate agreements directly with a library. Deakin Library will review each Agreement in the context of our existing subscriptions, and if an Agreement is signed this will be communicated across the University.

What sort of Creative Commons licence should I apply?

A CC-BY licence, or variant thereof, should be used when publishing under these Agreements. See the Choosing a licence table which outlines the various CC licences to inform your decision-making.

I’m a PhD student, am I eligible to apply?

PhD students are eligible to publish, providing they are the corresponding author, use their Deakin email address, and list Deakin University as the first affiliation

My journal isn’t covered as part of a Read & Publish Agreement, are there any discounts available on Article Processing Charges (APCs)?

There are some small discounts available with some publishers for journals which are only published under the gold open access model. See the page Other Article Processing Charge (APC) discounts for more information.

If collaborating with researchers from other institutions, do I need to be the first author or the corresponding author?

To be eligible you must be the corresponding author, author order is not a factor with these Agreements.

What are capped agreements?

The AIP Publishing, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley agreements are each subject to a limitation (or “cap”) on the number of individual articles that can be made Open Access per year. The cap applies to the entire CAUL consortium membership, not any individual university. If a quota is exceeded, the journal will ask the author to select whether they publish the article open and pay an article processing charge (APC), or publish with subscription access only for free.

Do you have information on what quota is left regarding the caps applied by some publishers?

CAUL is maintaining statistics on number of submissions to date, together with an estimated date for when the quota is likely to be exceeded at current approval rates. You can view these statistics on each publisher page on the CAUL Read & Publish Agreements guide.

If we identify a journal can the library tell us whether there is an agreement and what the conditions are?

Check the tabs on the left for the relevant publisher, and view the links to the list of journals and major conditions. Contact your librarian for help if you’re still not sure.


Elements of structure and wording on this page have been reproduced with kind permission by the University of South Australia.