Deakin profiles help to promote researchers and research at Deakin by making them easily discoverable online.
Elements is the administrative tool that we use to manage publications at Deakin. Academic staff, researchers, and HDR students all have a profile in Elements to record data about their publications.
The data in Elements feeds in to many other systems such as the Deakin Staff Profiles, the DRO repository, and many types of reporting for the university.
Elements harvests publication metadata from a range of databases, including Scopus and Web of Science. Some publications need to be entered manually by authors.
For instructions and help with managing your Elements profile, and entering, claiming, or depositing publications - see the Publications wiki.
Configuring your author IDs (e.g., ORCID ID, Scopus Author ID, ResearcherID) will enhance the ability of Elements to find and match your publications. If your author IDs are set up to automatically claim matched records from these profiles, the publications will be automatically claimed in Elements.
To manage your author IDs in Elements navigate to My Profile > Settings > Automatic claiming and confirm whether or not the author identifier is yours. It is strongly recommend that authors curate the publisher identifiers associated with their name. You should only have one identifier per publisher. For example, if you have multiple Scopus Author IDs, you can request that Scopus merge these. Maintaining one profile per publisher will help Elements understand your outputs and help you calculate metrics such as the h-index.
DRO is Deakin's research repository. It keeps a record of all research outputs by Deakin staff. Publications should be deposited through Elements to go into DRO.
To search for your publications in DRO: