Once you have found a useful case it will be important to research for other cases that have judicially considered that case. It is also useful to research what cases that case has considered.
Telebooth Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation Ltd [1994] 1 VR 337
In this example the name of the case is Telebooth Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation Ltd. The citation for the case is [1994] 1 VR 337.
The best way to search for a known case in a case citator is to use the citation. Using a citation is the quickest way to find a known case. It can be either a law report citation or a medium neutral citation. In most databases you only need to type in the citation (without quotation marks or additional punctuation).
Below is a selected list of databases that can be searched by case citation. Click on the plus icons for how to search effectively in those different databases.
CaseBase Cases is an online case citator, accessed via the Lexis+ Australia platform. CaseBase editors analyse and index each judgment, which makes this database a good place to start finding cases which have judicially considered other cases.
CaseBase lists mostly Australian cases, however overseas cases are also included if they are relevant to Australian law.
You may also see a graph where you can narrow the results by jurisdiction and treatment filters.
For more case citator information, explore Researching Cases – CaseBase Cases (Lexis+ Australia).
Westlaw Australia contains full-text unreported judgments from Australian courts and tribunals and Australian authorised law reports.