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Researching Case Law

Case Citators

A case citator is an index of cases containing a brief summary of the case.

Details found in a citator record include:

  • case history
  • cases cited
  • cases citing
  • parallel citations (i.e. the same case in different law reports)
  • legislation judicially considered
  • (sometimes) the full-text of a case

Deakin Library subscribes to two case citators which include edited abstracts. You also have access to two free case citators.

Case Citator resource Database Content coverage Edited abstracts
CaseBase Lexis+ Australia Includes cases from Australian and international jurisdictions Yes
KeyCite Westlaw Australia Includes a subject classification with the case summary,
to enable you to easily locate similar cases
LawCite AustLII Includes cases from Australian jurisdictions No
Barnet Jade Jade Includes cases from Australian jurisdictions No



For guidance on searching a specific case citator, select the citator you are interested in from the left menu under the Case Citators heading. These citators have been listed in an order of preference from edited content to AI indexed content.