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Systematic Search for Health

Key resources

We have collected all the downloads, videos and links through out the site onto this page for quick reference.

Document downloads

All the documents we refer to through out the site are listed below for easy access. Please check (under edit) that these are the originals, before linking to them, we are slowly morving all originals to this page for our reference)

Exploring your topic and Planning your search

Documents which support the early stages of your systematic search:

Other support materials

Other documents referred to throughout the guide are listed here

Examples of Searches and supporting documentation

This is a collection of various examples of a systematic search and it's supporting documentation. Please be aware that these are examples only and not intended to be 100% realistic, just provide support and context to researchers learning to conduct systematic searches.


We have collected the videos throughout the site and placed them here for quick reference. Video transcripts are linked after the video and description.


Recorded Library class on Systematic search

Library HDR Systematic Search class [cc]
A 90 minute class which walks through the systematic search process from planning to screening. Nov 2023.

Research Databases

Systematic search of EMBASE with Emtree [cc]
A step by step video that you must watch from beginniing to end to know exactly how to run a search in EMBASE.

Plan your search

Planning your search (with a search planner) [cc]
This video demonstrates preliminary searching; identifying concepts, synonyms, using the search planner, and running a quick search in an EBSCO database.

Citation Searching [cc]
From one key article on your topic you can "snowball" search to find citing articles and references using Scopus and Web of Science

What are Subject Headings? [cc]
A basic introduction to what subject headings are and why they're important

Run your search

Building a line by line search [cc]
A step by step video demonstrating using the search history to create a line by line systematic search

How to use subject headings in a search [cc]
An in depth video that shows how headings work so you can control them in your systematic search