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HDR Literature Review Plan

Identify the types of resources you can use

Depending on your research topic, you may need to consider using a wide variety of resources beyond journal articles and books, such as government reports/government statistics or news articles

Resource type

Why use it

Get started

Theses For a summary of the key literature related to a topic
Reference lists provide a great starting pointing for finding studies
Ideas for refining your own research topic 
Help pages
Journal articles / conference proceedings

Access to published peer review research 

Original research analysis

Subject databases : Library resource guides

Books Great for developing underlying knowledge of discipline 
Also deliver scholarly research
Library search
Grey literature Access to reports, policy statements that are not published by commercial vendors 

Government / organisations websites 
Google advanced search limiting to domain 
APO Analysis and Policy Observatory
Library resource guide - Searching the Grey Literature

Multimedia Access to news from papers and TV, creative work from museums and galleries Specialist streaming databases 
Library resource guides