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Searching is iterative. You will be building, testing, and refining your search through many drafts as you continue exploring the literature.
Build your search in one database that's most appropriate to your topic, developing that search until you are confident it is comprehensive and fit for purpose. This is referred to as;
The 'primary search'
Line by line searching in a database involves entering keywords and subject headings individually using the Search History tool, available in most databases. This allows for easy evaluation, addition, and removal of lines, facilitating the creation of concept sets. Place collected keywords and subject headings (including any search tools and filters (e.g. field codes, limiters) from the Library Search Planner in each line of the search.
Group search lines by concept, listing all related keywords and subject headings together, and use OR to combine them before moving onto the next concept. The final search line joins all concept sets with AND. (See the completed Medline search below.)
At this stage you should have a solid idea of the concepts, and a diverse collection of keywords. These are the basic building blocks of a search strategy. We will demonstrate how those elements are combined with new elements such as line by line searching and subject headings to create a systematic search.
This image shows an example of how a search appears in Medline Complete via EBSCO database, following the line by line search method.
S1 TI "physical* activ*" OR AB "physical* activ*"
S2 TI sport* OR AB sport*
S3 TI jogging OR AB jogging
S4 MH Sports+
S5 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4
Lines S1, S2 and S3 are keyword lines with title and abstract fields.
Line S4 is a subject heading line
Line S5 combines concept 1 lines with OR
Lines S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 form concept 1.
S6 TI adolescen* OR AB adolescen*
S7 TI teen* OR AB teen*
S8 TI youth* OR AB youth*
S9 MH “Adolescent”
S10 MH “Young Adult”
S11 S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10
Lines S6, S7, S8, S9, S10 and S11 form concept 2.
S12 TI Australia* OR AB Australia*
S13 TI Victoria* OR AB Victoria*
S14 MH Australia+
S15 S12 OR S13 OR S14
Lines S12, S13, S14 and S15 form concept 3.
S16 S5 AND S11 AND S15
Line S16 combines concepts 1, 2 and 3 with AND.
Download this Example MEDLINE Search to see what a full systematic search looks like following the line by line search method.
The paragraph and line by line search methods produce the same search with identical results. However, considering the future steps in our searching process, the line by line format is beneficial for systematic searching as:
Drag the slider left and right to see how a paragraph search looks (left) when expanded into a line by line search (right) in Medline Complete via EBSCOHost.
This activity shows an example of how a search appears in Medline Complete via EBSCO database when performed through paragraph and line by line search methods. The activity has a vertical slider bar that can be dragged left and right to reveal and hide colours which represent the same concept in the the different search methods.
S5 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4
S4 MH Sports+
S3 TI jogging OR AB jogging
S2 TI sport* OR AB sport*
S1 TI "physical* activ*" OR AB "physical* activ*"