Before you begin looking for resources for your assessment or research, focus on planning your search strategy. A small amount of time now will save you time and frustration later.
Click on each of the steps below to learn more.
You can use the search planner to make notes about your topic, search terms and to plan a search strategy.
Not sure which database to start with? Check out this Academic Articles page for a list of recommended databases for architecture.
Below is an example showing how you can combine boolean, phrase searching and truncation techniques to look for information about Glenn Murcutt, nature and architecture.
Click the + icons to reveal more information about the searching techniques used.
This interactive activity shows an image of the Library advanced search bars filled in with an example search as follows:
"Glenn Murcutt"
AND Nature OR Environment
AND Architect*
There are 3 selectable icons that explain each of the search techniques used in this advanced search.
Phrase searching narrows a search to show results that contain an exact phrase, not just individual words.
To conduct a phrase search, add double quotation marks around two or more words you want to search for.
Boolean searching is a type of search that allows users to combine keywords with operators to produce more relevant results
In this example Nature OR Environment will find results that contain either of those terms.
Truncation searching broadens a search to show results that include alternative word endings. To conduct a truncation search, use an asterisk character *
In this example, the asterisk at the end of the word Architect* will search for all word endings - i.e. architect , architects, architecture, architectural
To learn more, watch the video What are boolean operators?