At university, you need to use scholarly information such as academic articles for your assessments. If you’re new to finding academic articles, this short module will teach you how to do it. Along the way, we’ll teach you tips and tricks to make it easier to find what you need.
In this module, you’ll learn how to:
1. Explore research topic
2. Develop search strategy
3. Find academic articles
4. Evaluate & reference an article
Academic articles are also known as peer reviewed, scholarly, or refereed articles. They are research papers written by experts in the field. They go through a rigorous review by other experts in the same field to check the information is good quality, unbiased and accurate.
Watch the video below to learn about the peer review process and how to identify academic articles.
Finding academic articles is a skill that falls under digital literacy. This is the ability to use technology confidently, creatively, and critically. To meet the demands and challenges of living, learning, and working in a digital society. Digital literacy is one of your Graduate Learning Outcomes.
Digital literacy is also a skill valued by employers. In 2020, the Foundation for Young Australians identified that 90% of future jobs need skills in digital literacy.
As you progress through this module, consider how this skill would be applied in your future career.