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Referencing for Education

When and how to reference

It is important to learn when to reference early in your student journey. Each time you use the work of others in your own writing, you need to have an in-text citation. In-text citations appear in the body of your paper. 

This means you may have multiple citations of the same author/s within a paragraph.  Don’t just include the citation at the end of the paragraph.   


Remember for your assessments that when you summarise, paraphrase, quote, analyse or extend from the original idea you need to cite the source you used.  

In-text citation examples

Click on the plus icons below to see two examples of how to cite research within your writing using APA referencing. You can either put the focus on the author/researcher or on the idea/evidence you're communicating.  

Matching in-text citations to reference list

For each in-text citation you need a corresponding entry for each source in your reference list.  A reference list entry needs to include:   

  • who said it
  • when they said it
  • the title
  • and where it was published.


who said it

when they said it

the title

and where it was published.

It is a good idea to record this information when taking your notes.  You will need different details for different sources, so look at the Deakin Guide to Referencing to know what information you need for the different source types.


Be consistent in your in-text citation and reference list approach. Make sure to stay with the same referencing style (e.g. APA) for both parts of your assessment structure.