By familiarising yourself with misinformation you are less likely to be manipulated. One way to prebunk is to game!
Playing online games like Libertas Veritas (Deakin) or Bad News can improve your ability to identify types of false information. They have both been built around the concept of online inoculation to misinformation.
This interactive narrative game is designed to get you thinking about misinformation and propaganda.
You will be presented with many choices. That’s life. Your goal is not to “win” per se. There are fifteen or so possible endings. This is a game of discovery.
Which campaigns of misinformation and propaganda will you choose? Which ending will you find? There is only one way to find out.
Explore the nation of Libertas Veritas,the game is licensed under CC-BY 4.0 except where otherwise noted.
Developed with the assistance of scientist, the game Bad News puts you in the role as a fake news creator. As you go about pushing misinformation in the game, you learn how to spot 6 misinformation tactics used in real life:
Have fun exploring how to create Bad News.
Have a look through the list of additional games that relate to misinformation:
Learning should be informative, but it can also be fun!
What is the best way for you to learn about misinformation?
You don’t have to read text or watch a video, there are other resources you can use such as games. Have a look at the Resources page and find a resource that inspires you.