This collection of guides, provided by Deakin Library, will assist you with developing your legal research skills. Building strong legal research skills early in your degree will assist you with identifying quality peer-reviewed journal articles, authoritative case precedents, and legislative resources for your assessment research. Proficiency in undertaking legal research is also a key graduate skill sought by prospective legal employers.
These legal research guides are prescribed reading resources for MLL110 Legal Research & Statutory Interpretation and MLJ701 Legal Method & Statutory Interpretation.
The Library can provide advice and assistance with:
Not sure how to get started? Start with the Legal Research Basics Guide. For further information contact the Business & Law Scholarly Services Librarians
Learn all about how to get started with legal research in this introductory guide.
How to reference using the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, 4th edition.
A list of commonly used legal abbreviations for law reports and legal journals.
Secondary law resources identify and explain primary sources of law.
This guide provides information on how to search for legal textbooks, legal dictionaries, legal encyclopedias and peer-reviewed legal journals.
Case precedents are primary sources of law.
This guide provides instructions on how to search for Australian and international cases, including how to use case citators and authorised law reports.
Legislation is a primary source of law.
Use this guide to learn how to locate authorised versions of Australian legislation and extrinsic materials, which will aid in developing your skills in statutory interpretation.