Indigenous authors publish material that contains Indigenous knowledge from their Nation, Country or Language group.
This page contains examples of material types that have been created by Indigenous authors.
Below is an APA reference for a journal article. The reference contains different parts arranged in a set order. Knowing the names of these will help you track down articles for your research. It will also help you reference correctly.
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Heiss, A. (Wiradjuri). (2002). About indigenous Australia - some issues to consider and protocols to follow! A discussion paper. Southerly, 62(2), 197–205.
Heiss, A.
Nation/Country/Language Group
Title of the article
About indigenous Australia - some issues to consider and protocols to follow! A discussion paper
Journal title
Volume and Issue
Page numbers
Click on the plus (+) icons below to view examples of how different types of material are referenced in-text and in a reference list.
Author Surname, Initial(s). (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page numbers. DOI
Couzens (Keerray Wooroong; Gunditjmara) (2018) state ...
Couzens, V. (Keerray Wooroong; Gunditjmara). (2018). Woman spirit - weerreeyaar; Weerreeyaar - woman spirit.
The Lifted Brow, 40, 60.
An author/s Nation, Country or Language group may be published in a contributor section of the journal rather than the individual article.
Author Surname, Initials. (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Book Title. Publisher.
As argued by Moreton-Robinson (Goenpul) (2020)...
Moreton-Robinson, A. (Goenpul). (2020). Talkin’ Up to the White Woman. University of Queensland Press.
An author/s or editor/s Nation, Country or Language group may be published in a contributor section of the book rather than in the individual chapter.
Author Surname, Initials. (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Title of chapter. n Initials. Editor (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Ed. OR Eds.), Title of book (page numbers). Publisher.
De Santolo (Garrwa; Barunggum) (2019) states ...
De Santolo, J. (Garrwa; Barunggum). (2019). The emergence of Yarnbar Jarnngkurr from Indigenous homelands:
a creative Indigenous methodology. In J. Archibald (Stó:lō; St’at’imc), J. Lee-Morgan (Waikato-Tainui; Ngāti Mahuta) &
J. De Santolo.(Garrwa; Barunggum). (Eds.), Decolonizing research: Indigenous storywork as methodology (pp. 239-259).
ZED Books LTD.
An author/s or editor/s Nation, Country or Language group may be published in a contributor section of the book rather than in the individual chapter.
Author name, Initials. (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page. Website name. URL
As argued by Cromb (Gamilaraay) (2022) ...
Cromb, N. (Gamilaraay). (2022). It’s time to understand the difference between Native Title and Land Rights. IndigenousX.
An author/s Nation, Country or Language group may be located in a contributor section of the website rather than the individual webpage.
Surname, Initials. (Nation/Country/Language Group). [Channel name]. (Year, month day). Video title [Video]. YouTube. URL
Sentance (Wiradjuri) (2022) highlights ...
Sentance, N. (Wiradjuri). [ALIANational]. (2022, March 8). Panel session - Indigenous Australian sovereignties and Australian
libraries: Who is in control? [Video]. YouTube.
An author/s Nation, Country or Language group may be published in the video description or stated in the video content.
(Surname, Nation/Country/Language Group, personal communication, Month Day, Year)
Surname (Nation/Country/Language Group), (personal communication, Month Day, Year)
As shared by Faulkhead (Koorie), (personal communication, November 4, 2022) ...
Cited information from personal communication does not appear in the reference list.
Author Surname, Initials. OR username. (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year, Month Day). Title of blog post. Blog Site name. URL
Barrowcliffe (Butchulla) (2020) suggests that ...
Barrowcliffe, R. (Butchulla). (2020, June 17). #BlackLivesMatter and Archives in Australia. Indigenous Archives Collective.
An author/s Nation, Country or Language group may be linked to in a contributor section of the website rather than the individual blog post.
Author, A. (Nation/Country/Language Group). (Year). Title of artwork [Medium]. Gallery/Museum name, Location.
As discussed by Evans (Gamilaraay/Gomeroi) (2022) ...
Evans, P (Gamilaraay/Gomeroi). (2022). Waabigu Maragalgaa [Ceramic]. Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney NSW.
Author Surname, Initials. (Nation/Country/Language Group). [@username]. (Year, Month Day). Text of tweet [Tweet]. Twitter. URL
It is reasoned by O’Sullivan (Wiradjuri) (2022) that ...
O’Sullivan, S. (Wiradjuri). [@sandyosullivan]. (2022, February 20). Side note from my rant earlier today: there are an
(unsurprisingly) large number of nonIndigenous writers whose work focuses on Indigenous people [Tweet].
An author/s Nation, Country or Language group may be published in the author’s bio.