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Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies

Open Access images

Below are some free to access image collections that contain images relating to cultural heritage and museum studies. Many of the images found in these collections are made available under creative commons licences, which allows you to use the material in specific ways without seeking permission from the copyright holder.

Features images from the world's leading galleries, museum collections, foundations, artist estates and more.

Google Cultural Institute
Discover artworks and collections from around the world. Browse artworks by collections, artists, place, mdeia type, etc.

View collections from around the world. Browse collections or search by keyword or the tag cloud

Open Photo
This is a creative commons photo sharing platform where you can browse photos on a range of subjects, such as architecture, arts, landscapes, living spaces and much more

Always check the conditions of use before using images from these sources.

All creative commons licences require that you attribute the creator of the work.

Library Image collections

Finding high resolution images for your assessments and creative works can be difficult. Deakin Library subscribes to several image databases that give you access to high quality images from around the world.

Deakin provides access to image databases which are copyright cleared for educational purposes.  Please ensure that you check the licensing conditions before re-use, and fully reference images. 

Trove images

Find Australian image resources on Trove, including  photographs, negatives, artworks, drawings, posters, postcards and more

More image resources

Bodin, U 2014, Rock Carvings at Himmelstalund, photograph, retrieved 21 May, 2015,

To see a full list of image databases and collections go to the A-Z databases webpage for Image Databases.

Google Image search

You can search for images that are free to use, share and modify through a Google Image Advanced Search.

  • Go to Google Images
  • Enter your search terms
  • Select the Advanced Search Option and narrow the results by usage rights to 'free to use, share or modify'


When you refer to or use someone else's publications or data in your research or teaching you should attribute the creator by providing a citation that includes information about the creator and source.

Visit the Attribution webpage to find information on how to format the attribution, where to put the attribution and examples for images, podcasts and streaming videos

Doran, B 2010, I come to the art museum and all I do is watch TV, photograph, retrieved 21 May, 2015

For information on how to correctly reference image resources take a look at the referencing guide.