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Visual Arts and Photography

Image collections

The art and photography image collections listed below may be good starting points when sourcing images. Several of the resources clearly state that the images are free of copyright restrictions (i.e. under Creative Commons licences) and can thus be used for educational use.

In all cases images should be checked for any copyright restrictions - whether they may be used freely (with acknowledgement) or require permission.

Refer to our information page on citing and attributing images in your assessments and projects.

There are a number of websites that provide good quality open access images. The main consideration when using online images is copyright. It is important to check that the images are free to use and if so, under what conditions. Creative Commons licences provide a standardised way for individuals, companies and institutions to share their work with others on flexible terms without infringing copyright. The licences allow users to reuse, remix and share the content legally.  Note that it is good practice (and common courtesy) to indicate where you've sourced the image by including a URL, or citing 'public domain' '(PD)' or 'CC0' so others know they can use the work too.

Online video resources

Kanopy screenshot  Kanopy screenshot