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Disability Studies


The Australian Bureau of Statistics, ABS

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
The most comprehensive source of Australian statistical information is published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Australia's official statistical organisation. Access to ABS publications including year books, time series data and tables, metadata, economic models, 1996 and 2001 Census Basic Community Profiles are provided online.

Relevant pages from the ABS include the following:

Specific ABS Statistical Disability Information:

Catalogue Number 44. Welfare and social services

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends

Children with a disability ( June 2012) in 4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, Jun 2012 

4156.0.55.001 Stats & Facts :  Sport and physical recreation participation by people with disability , by age, 2012

4427.0   Young people with Disability, 2012

4430.0    Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, 2018

4439.0    Social Participation of People with a Disability, 2011

4446.0 - Disability, Australia, 2009 

4450.0 - Supplementary Disability Survey, 2016

The Government Health.Vic website

Includes information about the health and determinants of health of Victorians.

Health Status of Victorians

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Is the national agency for health and welfare statistics.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Relevant pages from the AIHW include the following:

AIHW - Disability Publications

AIHW - Disability Data Tables compiled from a set of nationally significant data items or pieces of information that are collected in all Australian jurisdictions; and an agreed method of collection and transmission.