Any article you use in your assessment must be referenced. Click on the flipcards to learn why it’s important to reference:
There are different referencing styles which you may be asked to use for your assessment. See the Deakin Referencing Guide for detailed referencing instructions. If you need help, ask Study Support, your referencing experts at Deakin!
Below is an APA7 reference for a journal article. The reference contains different parts arranged in a set order. Knowing the names of these will help you track down articles for your research. It will also help you reference correctly.
Drag the slider below to discover the names for the different parts of this reference.
This interactive activity shows a reference in the APA7 style with a vertical slider bar that can be dragged left and right to reveal and hide the names for the different parts of the reference.
Alonso-Silverio, G. A., Pérez Escamirosa, F., Bruno-Sanchez, R., Ortiz-Simon, J. L., Muñoz Guerrero, R., Minor-Martinez, A., & Alarcón-Paredes, A. (2018). Development of a laparoscopic box trainer based on open source hardware and artificial intelligence for objective assessment of surgical psychomotor skills. Surgical Innovation, 25(4). 380 - 388.
Authors: Alonso-Silverio, G. A., Pérez Escamirosa, F., Bruno-Sanchez, R., Ortiz-Simon, J. L., Muñoz Guerrero, R., Minor-Martinez, A., & Alarcón-Paredes, A.
Year of publication: 2018
Title of the article: Development of a laparoscopic box trainer based on open source hardware and artificial intelligence for objective assessment of surgical psychomotor skills.
Journal title (format in italics): Surgical Innovation
Volume (format in italics): 25
Issue: 4
Page numbers: 380-388
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