Deakin's OER grant program commenced in 2021. The focus of the OER program is to support staff in developing their capacity to use OER principles and practices in units and courses. The grant program enabled OER to be investigated, adapted, created and incorporated into units, building capacity in staff as they use and create resources. Applications are sought for creative and innovative project ideas from Deakin staff interested in using OER in their teaching or creating OER for their discipline. Successful applicants are supported in the creation of the OER with a grant and by the library.
Since the program commencement, a wide range of projects have been supported. These include OER adoption, adaptation and creation projects. For some ideas for OER inclusion in your unit, have a look at the projects below (Note that the resource creation projects not linked to a resource are still in development).
The OER grant recipients for 2024 are:
The OER grant recipients for 2023 are:
The successful grant applications for 2022 included OER book creation and ancillary resource creation. The successful applicants were:
More information on the 2021 project can be found on the Open Educational Resources Grants 2021 website.