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Researching Legislation

Researching Acts in AustLII

The Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) contains full-text legislation for most Australian jurisdictions. It is important to check the update status for legislation page to see the currency of the legislation databases.

Search for legislation in AustLII

  1. Go to the AustLII website
  2. Choose the relevant jurisdiction. For example, to find Commonwealth Legislation, click on the CTH tab.

  3. Navigate to the Legislation tab for that jurisdiction. For example, click on the Cth Legislation tab to browse the list of formats of Commonwealth legislation.

  4. To locate a current Consolidated Act, click on the Consolidated Acts link. To locate versions of Acts in the year that they were passed, click on the Numbered Acts link. The following example demonstrates locating a consolidated version of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
  5. To find the Act you can either use the search bar in the top right or browse the alphabetical list. Sometimes the Act will already be listed under the Most Accessed list.

  6. To access a copy of the section, click on the link to the relevant section under the Table of Provisions, for example section 4E.

Using AusLII’s NoteUp tool

NoteUp searches automatically for all materials on AustLII which refer to a section of an Act.

  1. Following the steps above, after you have navigated to a section of an Act, click on the link to NoteUp References. This will list any cases or secondary sources commentary on the AustLII platform that discuss the relevant section, for example section 4E of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

  2. To view cases which have discussed section 4E of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), click on By Database and then select the link to the database for the relevant court.

  3. Tick the Show Excerpt box to view terms within context.

  4. Click on a case name to view the full-text of the judgment. You will then be able to navigate through the judgment to see where the section has been discussed by clicking on the right green arrow.

AustLII user guide

For more help using AustLII, use the Help menu or view the AustLII user guide.