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Referencing for Communication and Creative Arts

About this guide

Writing for research or study means placing our own ideas in the context and knowledges of your discipline. We do this by reading, viewing or listening to the work of other researchers and experts in an area.

Citation is a key tool in crediting and acknowledging when we use ideas and information from other people.    

Citation has established formulas called referencing styles that we need to use. There are multiple styles but they all communicate enough information for readers or reviewers of a work to find the material cited, to follow up and evaluate the original information themselves. 

This guide provides you with the "how to" and tools needed for referencing correctly.  

Why reference?

Whether you are using a book, an article, a film or image, or any other type of source, it must be acknowledged and referenced.

Why do you need to reference? Click on the flipcards to learn more:


Acknowledges original author
Referencing acknowledges the original author of the article or work and the ideas you have used. Always give credit where it's due.
Academic integrity
Referencing is critical to demonstrating academic integrity. By properly referencing, you avoid any problems with plagiarism.
Allows follow up
Referencing correctly allows readers to locate the sources for their own research or to clarify the information.
Demonstrates breadth
Referencing reflects the breadth of research you've done. It also builds your understanding of key thinkers in the field.


Key Deakin resource for referencing

Study Skills have a comprehensive Deakin Guide to Referencing which covers all the main referencing styles used in Deakin. Just select the referencing style you need for your current assessment or task. 

You can book an appointment with Study Support if you struggle with any aspect of referencing. They are experts and ready to meet with you over the phone or via Zoom.


You can either download your needed referencing style guide in a PDF format or you can use the Study Support online Deakin Guide to Referencing

Contact us


If you need further digital or academic skills help:


Attribution and acknowledgement

Just as we talk about in this guide, referencing or attributing content is a core part of both academic integrity and of being a digital citizen more broadly. This guide created by Deakin Library with content or direction from Deakin Language and Learning Advisers (Study Support).