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How to use EndNote with MS PowerPoint, Apple Pages, and LaTeX

EndNote and MS PowerPoint

Insert citation(s)

You can use EndNote 20 to add citations and reference lists to Microsoft PowerPoint slides (N.B. this feature is only available on Windows systems. It is not available on Mac). Unlike Word, EndNote does not automatically insert both the citation and reference list at the same time. Instead, you will need to insert the citation first and then the reference list record second.

In PowerPoint, you must select the citation style before inserting citation(s) or reference(s). Unlike Word, you cannot change the citation style after you have inserted citation(s)/reference(s).


Method one - Insert Citation(s)

  1. In PowerPoint, place cursor where the reference is to be inserted
  2. Click Insert Citation from EndNote 20 toolbar
  3. Search for the citation you want to insert
  4. Click Insert


Method two - Insert Selected Citation(s)

  1. In PowerPoint place the cursor where the citation is to be inserted
  2. Go to EndNote and highlight the reference you wish to cite
  3. Click Insert Selected Citation  from EndNote 20 toolbar in PowerPoint

N.B. If you inserted a reference, the reference list will not be created automatically. You have to insert the reference list separately (see below).

Insert reference list

In PowerPoint, you need to select the citation style before inserting the reference list. The reference list is not dynamic. When you change the citation style it will not change the list style:


Method one - Insert Reference(s)

  1. In PowerPoint place the cursor where the reference is to be inserted
  2. Click Insert Reference  from the PowerPoint toolbar
  3. Make a search for the reference you want to insert
  4. Click Insert


Method two - Insert Selected Reference(s)

  1. In PowerPoint, place the cursor where the reference is to be inserted
  2. Go to EndNote and highlight the reference you wish to insert
  3. Click Insert Selected Reference(s)  from the PowerPoint toolbar

EndNote and Apple Pages

Insert citations

  1. Within your Pages document, go to Insert Menu and select EndNote Citation  
  2. In the Find Citation dialogue box, type in a search word from your EndNote Library
  3. Make sure the reference you want to insert is highlighted
  4. Click Insert
  5. The Reference will display within the document, and is added to the bibliography at the end of the document

Edit citations

Edit in-text citations:

  1. Click on the EndNote citation you want to edit
  2. From the Edit menu, select EndNote Citations, then Manage Citations
  3. Add any text in the Prefix text box, such as “cited in” leaving a space after “in”
  4. You can exclude the author by ticking the 'exclude author' box
  5. To insert a page number double click on Citation Range and add your page number/s, then press enter
  6. To remove a citation highlight the reference then click


Change the bibliographic style:

  1. From the Edit menu, select EndNote Citations, then Bibliography Format
  2. Select the style you want


  • Pages will not allow you to save your EndNote citations as plain text. To convert your Pages document into plain text you must import it into Microsoft Word.
  • You can import a Microsoft Word document into Pages, however, your in-text citations will no longer be linked to your EndNote Library.

Want to know more?

For more information please visit Apple website:  

EndNote and LaTeX

Before exporting

If you have started using LaTeX and already have an EndNote library, you can continue using EndNote for your references. However, you may prefer to switch to a program that makes using .bib files easier such as JabRef, BibDesk or Bookends.

Before exporting your references make sure:

1. BibTeX is an export option:

  • Select Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager
  • Select BibTeX Export using check-box

2. Each reference has a different Label

N.B. BibTeX will not work unless each reference has a unique name in the Label field.

Make the format easy to remember and consistent, e.g., 'Author:Year'. This will help to make it easier to cite references while you write in LaTeX.

3. Avoid any special characters (e.g. &, % or $) or any characters with accents (such as é) in the label field

N.B. Latex will not process these characters well and will stop the file from compiling.

Create a .bib file

From your EndNote library

  • Select the references you wish to add in your bib file

N.B. you can sort them in your preferred order before exporting

  1. Select Export… from  File menu
  2. Choose BibTeX Export as output style
  3. Name file and save it in the same folder as your LaTeX file

  • Make any required changes and save it as BibTeX databases (*.bib) format in your LaTeX file folder